Wednesday, February 12

My Next Victim

Just before Christmas and just before Old Man Winter put a stranglehold on the Midwest, my friend Jana and I made a shopping trip to the West Bottoms.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular and that's usually when I make the best finds.  I found this little treasure in the first store we popped in to.

I knew it was a complete redo because I could tell it had gotten wet and the foam on the back was disintegrating.  It is a great size though at only 60" wide and about 2 1/2 feet deep and was priced at $84.50.  The frame doesn't have any wiggle at all so I knew it had great bones.  I had several images saved as inspiration for future projects.

I don't have a source for this one.  Anyone have it?

I love the straight lines and vibrant colors of all these sofas.  Mine is headed into my lounge where the walls are painted Benjamin Moore's Graphite.  I thought a great vintage velvet would look great on it so I ordered up this.

It will take me a couple of weeks to whip it in to shape, but here are a few progress shots.

I take tons of progress shots throughout the process, because no matter how many times I think I'll remember exactly how it goes back together, I never do so they serve as my trail of bread crumbs!

This is always about the time I wonder what ever possessed me to take on a project like this…

So this is where we stand right now.  Another few hours of tearing it down and then I'll spend a bit of time cleaning up and staining the frame before I begin putting it all back together.  I can't wait until it can come home!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, that's awesome! I especially love your process shots! I'm so excited to see what the finished product looks like.

    As to the blue sofa that you didn't have a link for, there is a cool website called and you can upload a saved image and it searches the internet for it. Here is the correct link for the blue couch - it's from apartment therapy:


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